
Autore: Geopolitica Rivista

GEOPOLITICA Vol XII n. 1/2023 – L’Asia centrale nella ridefinizione degli equilibri mondiali

GEOPOLITICA Vol XII n. 1/2023 – L’Asia centrale nella ridefinizione degli equilibri mondiali

Articoli Trade and investment in Central Asia, Martino Castellani, Director, Italian trade Office of Almaty, Kazakhstan ABSTRACT Central Asia is a region with vast resources and a high potential. It consists of five countries, which have both much in common and many differences. The article aims to study the main lines of trade and investments in Central Asia and see who the main foreign players are. It will delve briefly into the similarities and differences between the different countries, give a brief economic comparison between them and provide information to reason about the influence these factors might have on politics, but without carrying out a political analysis. Finally, it will discuss the economic structure of the most relevant of these countries, Kazakhstan, a...
GEOPOLITICA Vol XI n. 1-2/2022 – La geopolitica delle risorse al tempo della guerra tra l’Occidente e la Russia – Abstracts

GEOPOLITICA Vol XI n. 1-2/2022 – La geopolitica delle risorse al tempo della guerra tra l’Occidente e la Russia – Abstracts

Articoli The role of natural gas in the energy choices of the United States and Germany Il ruolo del gas naturale nelle scelte energetiche di Stati uniti e Germania Giuseppe Gagliano Centro studi strategici Carli De Cristoforis - Cestudec ABSTRACT Historically up to the early 1970s, the United States was still the largest oil producer in the world but the 1973/74 oil crisis related to the Arab oil embargo will cause a huge shock for the United States. This means that the political and economic oligarchies of the United States must acknowledge - in spite of themselves - that the energy domination is in danger of waning, which is why the American presidents stress the need for energy independence and therefore the elimination of dependence on geopolitically unstable regions. ...
GEOPOLITICA ISSN 2009-9193 Vol X n. 1-2/2021 – La Cina e il Mondo – Indice e Abstracts

GEOPOLITICA ISSN 2009-9193 Vol X n. 1-2/2021 – La Cina e il Mondo – Indice e Abstracts

Articoli Relations between People's China and Taipei and the reunification proposals put forward by Beijing from 1949 to 2016 I rapporti tra Cina popolare e Taipei e le proposte di riunificazione avanzate da Pechino dal 1949 al 2016 Rodolfo Bastianelli Analista geopolitico ABSTRACT We examine the reunification proposals put forward by People's China towards Taiwan from 1949 to 2016, the year of election of the pro-independence exponent Tsai Ing-wen under whose presidency relations between the two banks of the Strait worsened significantly. The analysis describes the policies adopted by Beijing and the proposals to reunite the island with People's China followed by Chinese leaders in four distinct periods: the first is from 1949, the year of the conquest of power by Mao's ...

GEOPOLITICA ISSN 2009-9193 Vol IX n. 1-2/2020 Indice e Abstracts

Articoli On Tragedies and Great Delusions. John J. Mearsheimer and Geopolitics SU TRAGEDIE E GRANDI ILLUSIONI. JOHN J. MEARSHEIMER E LA GEOPOLITICA Corrado Stefanachi Università Statale di Milano ABSTRACT The article concerns the geopolitical dimension of John J. Mearsheimer’s “offensive realism”, arguing that the geopolitical ideas set out in Mearsheimer’s latest book The Great Delusion: Liberal Dreams and International Realities (2018) partly differ from the geopolitical thought outlined in The Tragedy of Great Power Politics (2001), by far his most ambitious theoretical work. The article affirms that, while Tragedy offered a geopolitical structuralism which focused exclusively on (global) space, Great Delusion is interested also in place(s). In Tragedy Mearsheimer regards geogra...
Geopolitica – L’EUROPA E IL SUO FUTURO NEL NUOVO ORDINE MONDIALE – Call for Papers Vol. XIII n. 2/2024 Luglio-Dicembre

Geopolitica – L’EUROPA E IL SUO FUTURO NEL NUOVO ORDINE MONDIALE – Call for Papers Vol. XIII n. 2/2024 Luglio-Dicembre

Call for Papers
La fase di riequilibrio di potenza dell’ordine internazionale, che ci accompagna ormai da oltre un quindicennio, ha subito una decisa accelerazione, i cui effetti sono rintracciabili principalmente nelle crisi russo-ucraina e israelo-palestinese, ma anche nei sommovimenti che attanagliano il continente africano e nelle perduranti tensioni nell’area dell’indo – pacifico. Gli attori presenti sulla scena, siano essi di primo o secondo rango, puntano pro-attivamente ad acquisire un posizionamento vantaggioso negli scenari in via di definizione. Tale tendenza, tuttavia, sembrerebbe non interessare i Paesi europei che, citando Marta Dassù, sembrano vivere in un mondo parallelo, fatto di pace e basato sulla protezione a basso costo degli Stati Uniti, quasi incuranti del fatto che proprio ...

GEOPOLITICA ISSN 2009-9193 Vol VIII n. 2/2019 – LE SOVRANITA CONTRASTATE p. II – Indice e Abstracts

Articoli IL SOVRANISMO NELLE RELAZIONI INTERNAZIONALI Emidio Diodato Università per Stranieri di Perugia TITLE: Sovereigntism in international relations ABSTRACT This article investigates the contemporary re-emergence of political claims founded on the recognition of sovereignty (sovereigntism). After discussing sovereignty as a paradox or an organized hypocrisy, it focuses on two kind of sovereigntism: as a principle of domination and as a principle of emancipation. The first one is a claim of sovereignty that emerges in the regular struggle for political recognition between stronger and weaker powers. The second one is a claim of sovereignty that emerges in contrast to a perceived ex- ternal or illegitimate authority. In the first case, sovereigntism occurs when there are rising...

GEOPOLITICA ISSN 2009-9193 Vol VIII n. 1/2019 – LE SOVRANITA CONTRASTATE p. I – Indice e Abstracts

Articoli Introduzione LE SOVRANITÀ CONTRASTATE – SIC ET NON. OVVERO IL PRISMA DELLA SOVRANITÀ Giuseppe Casale LUMSA RUSSIAN MILITARY INTERVENTIONS IN GEORGIA AND UKRAINE: RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT OR TERRITORIAL EXPANSIONISM? Barbara Pisciotta Roma Tre University ABSTRACT Russia’s foreign policy within its regional area originates primarily from the clear determination to challenge the construction of the post-bipolar European order grounded on American hegemony and the extension of NATO to East Europe. In particular, opposition to America’s strategic interests in the area began to take shape through a plan of integration designed to “reconquer” the territories of the former USSR and/or maintain control over these areas so as to prevent possible threats along the western bord...

GEOPOLITICA ISSN 2009-9193 Vol VII n. 2/2018 – Grandi stati, grandi nazioni e immaginari geopolitici dei Balcani – Indice e abstracts

Articoli GEOSTRATEGIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE BALKAN “GREATER SPACES” Nebojša Vuković Institute of International Politics and Economics, Belgrade ABSTRACT In the paper, the greater-state concepts – the ideas of “Greater Bulgaria”, “Greater Greece”, “Greater Albania”, “Greater Serbia”, and “Greater Croatia” – are analyzed from the geostrategic point of view. Special attention is dedicated to the following parameters of these geopolitical projects – the potential size of the territory, and the position in relation to the main strategic routes of operations in the European war theater. Finally, the author critically also refers to the relatively ephemeral historical episodes when some of those projects came to life – the so-called ISoC (Independent State of Croatia), Bulgaria, and Alb...

GEOPOLITICA ISSN 2009-9193 Vol VII n. 1/2018 – Indice e abstracts

Articoli Dopo la «fine di Eurasia»: dobbiamo aver paura della Russia? Una lettura critica della riflessione geopolitica di Dmitri Trenin sulla Russia post-sovietica CORRADO STEFANACHI - Università degli Studi di Milano TITLE: After the “End of Eurasia”: Should We Fear Russia? Dmitri Trenin and the Geopolitics of Russia in the Putin’s Era. ABSTRACT: In his 2002 renowned work The End of Eurasia Dmitri Trenin made two intertwined points. Firstly, he affirmed that Russia and Eurasia were no longer synonyms, and they would not go back to being so in the foreseeable future. That is to say that Russia had definitevely lost its quality as the center of gravity of the Eurasian continent, and that Moscow had no other option than integrating into Western Europe and the Euro-Atlantic communi...